Evaluation of psychological stress

Occupational health support

A healthy work culture is a guarantee of company success. Employees who feel good themselves make an active contribution to their company. They have the necessary drive to perform their duties creatively and successfully. Unhealthy working conditions can soon have the opposite effect. Work-related psychological stress is one of the most common causes of staff dissatisfaction and turnover. Nearly a third of all employees experience this kind of stress at work. This is harmful and costly in the long term.

A healthy working environment for greater success

You should actively protect and promote your employees’ mental health – and not just because the law obliges you to do so. We’ll help you shape the working conditions at your company in a way that keeps your teams healthy. We give you data-driven insights into your business. We identify areas where there is room for improvement. We can also devise tailored, effective measures for optimising your current situation and implement them in your company together with you.

Our services

  • Evaluation of work-related psychological stress in accordance with Section 7 (4a) of the Austrian Employee Protection Act (ArbeitnehmerInnenschutzgesetz – ASchG):
  • Re-evaluation of work-related psychological stress in accordance with Section 7 (4a) ASchG:
  • Certified, tested methods:
  • Risk prevention and occupational health:

Your benefits – our expertise

Heading for a healthier company? Working together with you, we will decide where to start your occupational health management and turn legal regulations into new opportunities. This will bring your company:

  • a reduction in harmful working conditions
  • less absenteeism and staff turnover
  • greater staff satisfaction
  • higher productivity
  • improved attractiveness as an employer
  • increased competitiveness

Evaluation of psychological stress