Healthy ­Quarter-Hour

Who doesn’t know the feeling? We spend the whole day stuck at our desk – including over lunch. This means that, on some days, we can easily be sitting down for a good eight or nine hours, neglecting movement and exercise in the process. However, they are actually vital for our well-being and our performance levels. So how fantastic would it be if we could find the best possible way to make it an integral part of our daily routine at work?

Exercise as a counterbalance

Exercise is good – for both body and soul. It releases happiness hormones and reduces our levels of stress hormones. It declutters our mind, allowing us to refocus better on the really important things. It also boosts our circulation, increasing the rate at which the body is supplied with oxygen and giving it more power. And, what’s best about this is that it often only takes 15 minutes!

Our services

As a company, you can use our services to offer your employees a refreshing bit of variety in their daily office routine, specifically with a unique videoconference or breaktime: the “Healthy Quarter-Hour”. It encourages your staff working from home or in the office to take part in a short fitness session. Depending on your specific agreement, 15-minute stretching, strength and mobilisation exercises will be offered either once or several times a week, getting employees’ circulation going and enabling them to concentrate many times better afterwards.

Our promise – your benefits

Want to improve your employees’ well-being and performance levels? Our “Healthy Quarter-hour” gives you a fantastic way to do just that. Your benefits:

  • Exercise at the workplace
    Simple exercises performed via video link enable your employees to make exercise an integral part of their daily work routine.
  • Variety and fun
    Inject some refreshing variety into your company by making break times active.
  • Improved performance levels
    Improve your employees’ performance levels with integrated exercise at the workplace.

Perfect fit: The mental quarter hour

15 minutes packed with valuable input and learning about mental tools that employees can use independently in their everyday life, e.g. to deal better with stress. More Infos.

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