5 tips for your health year 2025

More resilience and preventive healthcare, less stress and risk of burnout - the health experts at Mavie Work know how these wishes for 2025 can be realised.

Mavie editorial team14/10/2024

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Tip 1: Resilience training

Resilience is not just a buzzword, but a real superpower: those with strong mental resilience are better able to cope with the challenges of working life. We cannot influence the fact that everyday working life is becoming increasingly demanding: More time pressure, high expectations and rapid changes are all part of the modern working world. What we can influence, however, is the way in which we deal with these increasing demands.

People with a high level of resilience can deal with crises - be it a pressure situation at work or a personal burden such as a partner falling ill - faster, better and more constructively than others. This is why resilience is one of the most valuable skills we can train.

How do we strengthen our own resilience and that of our employees? Firstly, through targeted self-reflection, for example in the form of worksheets that strengthens mental resilience with simple questions and exercises. On the other hand, resilience can also be trained in special workshops and 1:1 coaching sessions.

Tip 2: Strengthen managers

According to the Global Leadership Forecast, 72% of all managers feel burnt out at the end of the working day. At the same time, only 15% of the managers surveyed believe that they can prevent burnout among their team members.

These figures clearly show how important it is to support and sensitise managers in good time. On the one hand, managers need individual strategies that help them to look after their own work-life balance and mental health despite increasing pressure. On the other hand, managers need to be able to recognise signs of overload in the team and know how to respond.

If companies have an external EAP programme, affected employees can be sensitively made aware of the completely confidential offer by their manager. At the same time, managers can use the EAP programme themselves to reflect on their leadership role and the associated challenges in a protected environment.

Tip 3: Prevention instead of aftercare

Most of us know that preventive healthcare is the best protection against medical emergencies and chronic illnesses. Despite this, only 12.4% of Austrians go for a check-up every year. This percentage increases significantly if people are given the opportunity to take advantage of quick and uncomplicated preventive check-ups at the workplace.

Regular preventive check-ups not only increase health awareness, but also lead to an improvement in blood pressure, blood sugar etc. in the long term: repeated health check-ups at the workplace show improved vital signs in 23% of participants.

To make it as easy as possible for employees to take care of their own health, the health analysis from Mavie Work comes directly to the company. Anyone interested in a check-up can book a 20-minute appointment via the app, during which the 60 most important health values are measured. The values are visible in real time in the app and are accompanied by personalised recommendations (tips, exercises, etc.).

Tip 4: Conflict management

Around 57% of all mental health-related incapacity to work is caused by conflicts in the workplace. Conflicts also lead to a loss of motivation and reduced productivity. On average, managers spend 40 % of their working time directly or indirectly on conflicts.

Anyone who has ever experienced serious conflict in the workplace knows how valuable it is to deal constructively with the stressful situation. Personal coaching can help by analysing the situation and reflecting on your own role in the conflict. If necessary, conflict moderation can also take place to provide neutral and professional support in finding constructive solution strategies.

Tip 5: Burnout prevention

Between 30 and 40 per cent of Austrians currently show symptoms of burnout. Around 8 per cent are already mentally ill due to burnout syndrome. In addition to the great burden on the individual, mental illness also leads to very long absences (37 days on average).

To avoid burnout, it is important to manage stress on three levels: the regenerative, the mental and the instrumental level. Regenerative means that you consciously create a balance to your job, make sure you get enough sleep and exercise and maintain social contacts. On the mental level, you can prevent burnout by reflecting on your own expectations of yourself, respecting your limits and dissolving negative beliefs. Personal EAP counselling can help you with this step. On an instrumental level, you can learn to consciously say no, ask for help and delegate tasks.

No matter what strategies you want to focus on for your health year 2025 - Mavie Work is your reliable partner. Get in touch with us now!

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