Switch off after work – this is how it works

When the boundaries between job and free time become increasingly blurred, our health also suffers at some point. Exhaustion, restlessness and sleep problems are the result. This makes it all the more important to know methods that help us consciously switch off after work.

Mavie editorial team20/01/2023

Switch off after work

In times of office emails on the phone and communication tools like Slack, the feeling of having to be constantly reachable is also growing stronger. This puts us on permanent alert. Our body releases adrenaline, which in turn leads to stress. This state is not only mentally stressful, but also makes us ill in the long run. Switching off after work is therefore key to a healthy life.

Ticking off work in your head 

Unfinished work is predestined to continue buzzing around in your head. That's why it's worthwhile to determine first thing in the morning which tasks you absolutely want to complete that day.  Every time a checkmark is placed under a completed task, it activates our reward system in the brain. At the end of the day you can see very clearly what you have achieved and can end the day better.

Review beliefs

"I have to get this done or I'm not good enough." Such thoughts are pure poison for the psyche. Challenge those inner voices that whisper to you, "You have to work harder or you're not worth anything."
We like to ride ourselves into disaster scenarios with negative thought spirals that are not realistic at all. You probably put the most pressure on yourself. Once you have uncovered these harmful beliefs, you can find ways to neutralize them. For example, you can say to yourself, "Even if I can't make it today, I'm good enough. Tomorrow is also a day."

Say no without a guilty conscience 

Do you feel guilty when you put off a task or just want to say no for once? It's all about setting boundaries in a friendly but firm way. Or occasionally asking other team members for support. Remember: asking for help and saying no are two social skills that can be learned. People who want to please everyone are at risk of burning out. For those who have a hard time saying no, try it the other way around: "Yes, I'd be happy to take this on, but I'd have to hand off Project XY in exchange." 

Digital detox after work 

Switching off electronic work devices is the basic prerequisite for being able to switch off properly. Even briefly checking messages on your work cell phone always leads your mind back to your job. Make it clear to yourself that you absolutely deserve the time off after work. Your mind and body need some regeneration time to rest and recharge the energy you'll need for the next workday. 

End work with a ritual 

Use a ritual to mark the separation between work and leisure. For example, when leaving work, figuratively imagine the exit door as a cleaning portal. Or mentally stack everything you want to leave at work nicely on your desk and intentionally leave it.  

If you work in a home office, you can take a spin around the block after work is done to wrap up the workday. Exercise in the fresh air is not only healthy, but also important for winding down. Find your personal ritual to mark the end of work each day. This ritual signals to your body and mind: now is the time to wind down.

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