Find more attention in your team: No more self-doubt

Appreciation. Recognition. To be seen as an important part of the big picture. But sometimes you feel invisible at work - because you are in your own way. These strategies help against uncertainties and bring more authentic visibility.

Mavie editorial team04/08/2023

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Another chance blown?

Everyone knows this: You are sitting in a meeting. Strategies for a current project are discussed. You want to speak up, show your bosses and the team that you have ideas, that you are creative and committed. But while you're still struggling with whether your own proposed solutions are really good or whether you're making a fool of yourself, the meeting suddenly comes to an end. Everyone leaves the room and you get angry at yourself for not having dared.

Or, another example: A submission for a project is unnecessarily delayed because something is not yet “perfect”. Both situations are subject to the fear "I'm not good enough" and this belief often accompanies us like a shadow. The more deeply anchored it is, the more difficult it is to step out of this shadow and show yourself and your ideas.

Goal: Authentic visibility

However, if you want to be seen and heard at work or by those around you, you must first believe in yourself and trust that you can show it. Authentic visibility is made up of what we bring out from within: feelings, opinions, ideas, needs and qualities. How can I use my full potential? What can I do? What do I have to offer? These 6 strategies will help you overcome self-doubt and present yourself more confidently.

  1. More self-confidence by questioning beliefs
    What deep beliefs prevent you from realizing your full potential and showing yourself confidently and authentically? Be honest with yourself, even if it sometimes hurts and opens old wounds. Were you perhaps persuaded as a child that others have more and can do more? Have you developed the belief over the years that you can only define yourself through performance? Where does your perfectionism or fear of not having a say come from?
  2. Become aware of positive qualities
    Now it's about looking at your own values and qualities. What do you appreciate about yourself? Review past achievements! Try to describe yourself kindly - the way you would describe a good friend whom you value very much.
  3. Learning more self-confidence with new challenges
    Are there situations in which you might like to act differently or come out of yourself more? It does not have to be a request to speak in front of the assembled colleagues. As a first step, you can, for example, write an e-mail to a manager and ask them to share their ideas about an ongoing project. Ensure a relaxed atmosphere so that ideas don't get lost in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. You will find that many of your initial fears will not materialize. On the contrary - you will experience encouragement, recognition and appreciation.
  4. Ask for constructive feedback and become more visible
    What am I good at? Where are my talents? Which qualities can be developed? Ask colleagues and supervisors for constructive feedback to improve their own performance. In addition to self-awareness, find out how others see you. You will be amazed at the potential your colleagues have long seen in you that you have not yet recognized yourself.
  5. Offer support to colleagues and increase your own value
    In order to be seen authentically, give others attention and appreciation. In other words, if you notice that someone on the team needs support, don't be afraid to offer your knowledge and expertise. This is another way to show what you can do and connect with others at the same time.
  6. Power poses against insecurities
    Back steps and doubts in between are perfectly fine. This is where "power moves" can help - these are physical poses that suggest strength. To do this, stand in front of a mirror and say, silently or out loud, what you value about yourself. Formulate positive beliefs, such as "I can do this." Find a movement or pose that goes with that phrase and your positive feeling, and repeat it until you find the belief, the positive feeling and have internalized the pose.

The next time you are tormented by doubts or inner unrest, take a moment to do your power moves. You can also carry out very small movements unnoticed in the meeting. For example, tap your right knee twice with your right index finger to remind yourself, "I want to raise a hand - and I will contribute to this meeting."

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