Christoph Seibitz



  • Life coach and social counsellor
  • Systemic coach & adviser using the St. Galler Coaching Model®
  • Firewalking trainer
  • Hero’s Journey trainer (ritual Gestalt therapy as developed by Paul Rebillot)
  • Specialist course in Marketing & Communication (University for Continuing Education Krems / Volksbank Akademie)

Professional background

  • 15 years’ marketing experience in the banking sector
  • Leading seminars in the banking sector (marketing, sales, personal development)
  • Independent trainer for seminars on personal development
  • Coach and counsellor in independent practice
  • Counsellor with Mavie Work (Vienna) since 2017


  • Conflict moderation
  • Teamcoaching
  • Communication with the manager
  • Interpersonal tensions in the workplace
  • Time pressure and workload
  • Separation counselling
  • Grief counselling
  • Other personal topics
  • Return after a longer absence
  • Problems due to working conditions
  • Personal development
  • Outplacement counselling
  • Crisis intervention for companies
  • Conflicts
  • Career change and further development
  • Youth coaching from 14
  • Crossing boundaries or mobbing
  • Leadership coaching
  • Decisions
  • Relationship
  • Burnout support
  • Self-esteem
  • Fears
  • Mental health

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